Header Graphic


Sailor's Hornpipe by Roger Berggren can be downloaded here. 


Pat legs (microbeat)
Here/There (2 beats on each leg - microbeat)
Swing Arms Back and forth with a twisting of the torso (macrobeat)
Move toes up and down/swing arms (microbeat)
March in place (microbeat)
Swab Deck (macrobeat)
Raise Sail (microbeat)
Cast fishpole and reel back (macrobeat)
Heel/Toe (macrobeat)
Stomping (macrobeat)
Me - point to self/tap chest (microbeat)
You - point to others (microbeat)
Sit down
Here/There - sitting (microbeat)
Straighten legs, alternate pointing toes away from body and bringing
them back (macrobeat)
Straighten legs, tap sides of feet together, move head back and forth